Network Idiomas | HOW
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NETWORK IDIOMAS is specialized in language training for adults and, to provide what it has proposed, it developed its own methodology for this public.

Meet some of the principles which guide our proposal


Andragogy studies adults’ learning mechanisms. Therefore, it vastly distinguishes itself from Pedagogy, which focuses on children and teenagers as well as the teaching and the learning process for this age range. By Andragogy’s application, we comprehend that professionals who look for NETWORK IDIOMAS are essential and original elements to the creation of any of our courses; may it be their experience filtering what they learn or for their disposal and active choice of learning what they are being exposed to. Unlike common beliefs, no, adults do not have more difficulty in learning a second language; neither do they take longer to learn a language. They are not “rusty”. They learn differently because they need to take part of their own study object.


An adult only learns what they consider relevant for their lives. Knowing that, examples given, themes and even the material’s layout and design respect this andragogical guidance.


Our methodology anticipates that the instructor will be the one who moves around towards the client. The learner shall have free reign to choose the time and place in which classes will happen. Thus, concerning the learner, they only have to be available for the training. Other matters are, by definition, of our concern.


Once again, adults only learn what is of relevance to them. Therefore, their objectives and needs must be verified immediately. Our training show real routine-like situations of each professional in which the target language can be used. Also, we consider that no test-like evaluation is sufficient for result verification. The professionals are continuously evaluated, only advancing after skillfully performing on learning topic.


Levels of categorization do not apply to adults. Although it may seem useful and comfortable knowing which level you are in, leveling parameters descriptions refer to necessary skills for children and teenagers. As seen, there is a large number of professionals who evaluate themselves as “intermediate” in English, for example. The wideness of the term hinders comprehension of who indeed is that, and even if it was possible, it would not be enough to confirm that the professional is able to perform the needed tasks in daily routine. All things considered, that is the reason NETWORK IDIOMAS’ courses are individual and displays relatively short-term results.
